Perancangan koridor komersial dengan pendekatan defensible space melalui studi pergerakan spasial perempuan

Edy Widjaya, Christal Yohanes (2021) Perancangan koridor komersial dengan pendekatan defensible space melalui studi pergerakan spasial perempuan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pergerakan spasial perempuan di ruang perkotaan berada dalam kondisi yang sangat mengkhawatirkan. Peningkatan kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan sebesar 792% pada 12 tahun terakhir, menunjukkan hadirnya isu keamanan bagi ruang pergerakan spasial perempuan. Mengingat meningkatnya keterlibatan perempuan dalam kegiatan ekonomi dan usia rata – rata korban adalah 20 – 40 tahun, maka fenomena ini menimbulkan pertanyaan, karakteristik koridor komersial seperti apa yang kondusif bagi perempuan, elemen arsitektural dan perancangan koridor komersial seperti apa yang dapat meningkatkan keamanan pergerakan spasial perempuan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur terkait dengan pergerakan spasial perempuan, koridor komersial dan teori defensible space yang menghasilkan karakteristik pembentuk koridor komersial yang baik, seperti, atraksi, identitas, active edges uses, fasilitas, manajemen lahan, strategi musiman dan keragaman kelompok pengguna, serta neighborhood preservation yang menjadi variabel dalam proses penelitian. Elemen teritorial dan pengawasan natural dari teori defensible space turut digunakan dalam menganalisis dua studi preseden di Korea Selatan dan studi kasus di Jalan Cikini Raya, serta Jalan Raden Saleh Raya. Analisis studi kasus dilengkapi dengan pembagian keusioner kepada 51 responden dan observasi lapangan oleh peneliti. Proses perancangan berawal dari pemilihan Jalan Raden Saleh Raya sebagai lokasi perancangan yang telah dianalisis terkait dengan keamanan dan kenyamanan pergerakan spasial perempuan. Elemen teritorial dan pengawasan natural beserta dengan variabel pembentuk koridor komersial digunakan untuk merumuskan strategi desain, yaitu, strategi penataan zonasi, strategi personalisasi dan permeabilitas visual, strategi penataan skala bangunan, serta strategi penataan elemen jalan yang melahirkan konsep penataan zonasi, konsep permeabilitas visual dan konsep penataan sirkulasi. Dengan tiga konsep tersebut, tercipta aktivitas, ritme dan irama pada ruang jalan yang menyambut perempuan, serta anak – anak. Selebihnya, tercipta keterkaitan antara pejalan kaki dengan ruang dalam bangunan. Pada akhirnya, koridor komersial Raden Saleh Raya mengalami peningkatan dalam aspek keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi perempuan melalui pendekatan defensible space dan studi pergerakan spasial perempuan./The spatial movement of women in urban spaces is in a very worrying condition. The increase in sexual violence against women by 792% in the last 12 years, had shown the presence of security issues for women’s spatial movement. Given the increasing involvement of women in economic activities and the average age of victims is 20 - 40 years, this phenomenon had raised questions, what characteristics of commercial strips are conducive to women, what architectural elements and what kind of commercial strips design can increase the security of women's spatial movements. The research was conducted through literature studies related to women's spatial movements, commercial strips and defensible space theory which had produced good commercial strips characteristics, such as attractions, identity, active edges uses, facilities, land management, seasonal strategy and diversity of users, as well as neighborhood preservation which had become variables in the research. Territoriality and natural surveillance of defensible space theory were also used in analyzing two precedent studies in South Korea and case studies on Jalan Cikini Raya and Jalan Raden Saleh Raya. The case study analysis was completed with the distribution of questionnaires to 51 respondents and field observations by the researcher. The design process began with the selection of Jalan Raden Saleh Raya as the planning location which had been analyzed related to the safety and comfort of women's spatial movements. Territoriality and natural surveillance as the main elements along with the variables were used to formulate design strategies, namely, zoning arrangement strategies, personalization and visual permeability strategies, building scale strategies, as well as road planning strategies that give birth to concepts, such as, zoning arrangement, visual permeability and arrangement of circulation. With these three concepts, activity and rhythm were created in the street that welcomes women and children. Moreover, had created a link between pedestrians and the building’s interior. In the end, Jalan Raden Saleh Raya had experienced an increase in the aspects of safety and comfort for women through a defensible space approach and a study of women's spatial movements.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Edy Widjaya, Christal Yohanes
Thesis advisor
Srinaga, Felia
Uncontrolled Keywords: pergerakan spasial perempuan;keamanan dan kenyamanan; defensible space; koridor komersial
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Users 4653 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jun 2021 03:52
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2021 03:52

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