Museum karya sebagai sarana peningkatan pengetahuan profesi murid SMA melalui intervensi publik = Museum of works as a medium to improve the professional knowledge of high school students through public intervention

Alfando, Joshua (2021) Museum karya sebagai sarana peningkatan pengetahuan profesi murid SMA melalui intervensi publik = Museum of works as a medium to improve the professional knowledge of high school students through public intervention. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Rendahnya pengetahuan keprofesian murid SMA mengakibatkan lulusan SMA berkontribusi sebesar 7,92 persen terhadap presentase pengangguran Indonesia. Masalah ini dapat diatasi dengan kolaborasi kegiatan aktualiasi diri murid SMA dan intervensi publik dalam bentuk seminar dan konseling yang dapat diwadahi oleh sebuah museum karya yang terintegrasi langsung dengan lingkungan SMA. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis kegiatan aktualisasi diri dan intervensi publik, kemudian mengetahui elemen desain arsitektural ruang museum karya, dan merancang museum karya yang eksploratif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis teori-teori dari karakteristik spasial museum karya berupa safe space, engaging space, dan restorative space yang kemudian diintegrasikan dengan karakteristik lingkungan SMA. Studi preseden pada James Simon Museum dan Rio Arts Museum juga dilakukan pada penelitian ini sebagai tolak ukur dan informasi pelengkap terhadap teori-teori museum yang telah diperoleh. Hasil dari analisis teori dan studi preseden ini menghasilkan 9 konsep dan strategi perancangan yang meliputi aspek gubahan massa bangunan, kualitas spasial ruang, integrasi dengan lingkungan SMA, sirkulasi, estetika fasad, pencahayaan, penghawaan, jenis material, dan spasial ruang aktualisasi diri museum karya. 9 Konsep desain museum karya ini kemudian diterapkan pada site SMA Kristen Immanuel Pontianak dengan luasan 1,03 hektare. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini melahirkan sebuah desain museum karya museum karya yang memiliki luasan sebesar 7921 m2 dan terintegrasi langsung dengan SMA Kristen Immanuel Pontianak. Program ruang yang dimuat dalam museum karya berupa Exhibition Space, Auditorium, Ruang Pameran Keprofesian, Courtyard Park, museum shop dan café. Target akhir dari kehadiran desain museum karya ini adalah sebagai bekal yang menyadarkan setiap individu murid akan jenis keprofesian yang cocok untuk mereka jalani dan tekuni di masa depan. / Due to high school students' lack of technical skills, high school graduates account for 7.92 percent of Indonesia's unemployed population. This issue can be solved by engaging with high school student self-actualization programs and public intervention in the form of workshops and therapy, which can be accommodated by a works museum that is directly incorporated into the high school community. The primary goal of this study is to learn about different forms of self-actualization practices and public interventions, as well as the architectural design elements of a museum of works space and how to create an exploratory work museum. The theories of the museum's spatial characteristics in the context of safe space, engaging space, and restorative space were analyzed and then combined with the characteristics of the SMA community to perform this study. This research also included a benchmark and complementary knowledge study at the James Simon Museum and the Rio Arts Museum. This theoretical and precedent analysis yielded 9 concepts and design strategies that addressed building mass composition, spatial efficiency, integration with the high school community, circulation, facade aesthetics, lighting, ventilation, types of materials, and the museum's self-actualization spatial space. 9 The design idea for this work museum was then extended to the 1.03-hectare Immanuel Pontianak Christian High School site. The study's findings resulted in the development of a museum masterpiece with a floor area of 7921 m2 that is directly connected to Immanuel Christian High School Pontianak. Exhibition Space, Auditorium, Professional Exhibition Room, Courtyard Park, museum store, and café are all part of the work museum's space program. The presence of this work museum design's final goal is to inform each individual student about the types of professions that are appropriate for them to live and pursue in the future.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Alfando, Joshua
Thesis advisor
Srinaga, Felia
Uncontrolled Keywords: museum karya; sarana peningkatan pengetahuan profesi murid SMA; intervensi publik
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Users 4661 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jun 2021 08:02
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2021 08:02

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