Perancangan ruang interaktif melalui penerapan narasi dan teknologi virtual pada bangunan cultural center = Interactive space design through the implementation of narration and virtual technology in a cultural center building

Hamdani, Evania (2021) Perancangan ruang interaktif melalui penerapan narasi dan teknologi virtual pada bangunan cultural center = Interactive space design through the implementation of narration and virtual technology in a cultural center building. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Bangunan bersejarah merupakan peninggalan dari sejarah kemerdekaan Indonesia yang patut dilestarikan. Namun, akibat pekembangan zaman, peranannya telah ditinggalkan karena pesan, makna, dan fisik yang tidak terjaga dan diperbaharui mengikuti zaman sehingga menjadi tidak menarik lagi. Strategi ruang interaktif untuk meningkatkan peran dari Cagar Budaya diharapkan bisa menjadi solusi pada isu saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui desain perancangan ruang interaktif melalui penerapan narasi dan teknologi virtual yang diimplementasikan dalam bangunan cultural center guna mengangkat konteks narasi sejarah budaya dari bangunan cagar budaya. Cagar budaya sebagai sebuah peninggalan bersejarah, punya kualitas ruang, pesan dan makna yang disampaikan oleh narasi yang sudah ia miliki. Seiring perkembangan zaman kualitas tersebut mulai hilang dan pudar, sehingga untuk mempertegas kembali kualitas tersebut diperlukanlah peranan dari ruang interaktif. Perancangan Ruang Interaktif pada cultural center akan dipelajari melalui konteks dan kualitas narasi sejarah budaya dari bangunan cagar budaya Benteng Fort Rotterdam Makassar untuk melihat dan mengangkat narasinya kembali. Guna meningkatkan narasi tersebut akan diterapkanlah teknologi virtual sebagai instrument yang merupakan teknologi masa kini agar lebih interaktif, informatif, dan modern. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif, observasi, survey, studi literatur melalui buku dan jurnal serta studi kasus. Kemudian penelitian akan menghasilkan desain perancangan ruang interaktif pada bangunan cultural center melalui penerapan narasi dan teknologi virtual. / The historical building is a legacy from the history of Indonesian independence that should be preserved. However, due to the development of the times, its role has been abandoned because of messages, meaning, dan the physical which is not maintained and renewed according to the times so that they are no longer attractive. It is hoped that the interactive space strategy to enhance the role of cultural heritage can be a solution to current issues. This study aims to determine the design of interactive space design through the application of narrative and virtual technology which implemented in the cultural center building in order to raise the narrative context of cultural history of cultural heritage building. Cultural heritage as a historical heritage, has the quality of space, message and meaning conveyed by the narrative it already has. Over time, these qualities begin to disappear and fade, so that to reaffirm these qualities, the role of interactive space is needed. The design of tge interactive space at the cultural center will be studied through the context and quality of the narrative of cultural history from Fort Rotterdam Makassar cultural heritage building to see and bring the narrative back. In order to improve the narrative, virtual technology will be applied as an instrument, which is today’s technology to make it more imteractive, informative, and modern. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, observation, surveys, literature studied through books and journals as well as case studies. Then the research will produce an interactive space design in the cultural center building through the application of narrative and virtual technology.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Hamdani, Evania
Thesis advisor
Indramawan, Denis
Uncontrolled Keywords: arsitektur narasi; teknologi virtual; ruang interaktif; bangunan cagar budaya
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Evania Hamdani
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2021 02:25
Last Modified: 03 Mar 2022 21:46

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