Revitalisasi ruang kota di Kota Tua Jakarta melalui strategi integrasi ruang bermain ramah anak = City space revitalization in the old city of Jakarta by integrating child-friendly city space strategy

Ng, Nathanael Christopher (2021) Revitalisasi ruang kota di Kota Tua Jakarta melalui strategi integrasi ruang bermain ramah anak = City space revitalization in the old city of Jakarta by integrating child-friendly city space strategy. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Secara umum, ruang kota, termasuk kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta, didominasi oleh kendaraan bermotor dan tidak ramah pada anak. Infrastruktur pada kawasan Kota Tua berada dalam kondisi kurang terawat dan kurang tertata yang menyebabkan penurunan pengunjung (termasuk anak) dan ekonomi, yang pada akhirnya berakibat pada penurunan vitalitas Kota Tua. Secara empirik, upaya revitalisasi bagian kota dengan pendekatan strategi desain ruang bermain ramah anak berhasil dalam mengembalikan vitalitas kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa strategi desain ruang bermain ramah anak untuk mengembalikan vitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta. Apa elemen dan strategi desain bermain terintegrasi pada ruang kota ramah anak? Serta, bagaimana desain ruang kota dengan integrasi unsur bermain pada kota ramah anak di Kota Tua? Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa strategi merancang kota yang ramah anak perlu memperhatikan 3 aspek yaitu: 1) karakteristik esensi bermain; 2) jaringan bermain penghubung titik-titik bermain dan 3) standarisasi ruang jalan ramah anak. Integrasi tiga aspek strategi bermain tersebut dilakukan melalui desain elemen-elemen arsitektur, seperti warna, pola, material, aktivitas horisontal dan vertikal, pencahayaan, bentuk dan alat bermain. Hasil perancangan dilakukan dengan memperhatikan konteks bangunan pada kawasan bersejarah. Lokasi ruang bermain memanfaatkan bangunan tua yang sudah kosong dan tidak terpakai, serta menggunakan lahan kosong eksisting yang potential. Integrasi ruang bermain dilakukan dengan membentuk jaringan bermain yang bermula dari Stasiun Jakarta Kota sampai Kali Besar. Desain ruang bermain memperhatikan hubungan ruang bermain dengan jalan raya, jalan pedestrian, dan fasad bangunan bersejarah, dalam wujud konsep desain permeabilitas, konsep lanskap dan konsep hidden gem. / A city space including the Old City of Jakarta is generally dominated by motorized vehicles and isn’t save for children. Untidyness and unmaintained infrastructure in the Old City area causes the declination of pedestrians and tourists (including children) and effects the economy, which results in decreased vitality for the city. The effort to revitalize part of the city space empiricaly is proofen to be effective in increase the vitality of the city. This reasearch aims to find child friendly space design strategies that could help increase the vitality of Old City. Integrated child friendly space design strategies and elements? Also, the city space design integrated with the essence of play in the city space of the Old City. After further research, it is found that the strategies to design a child friendly city needs 3 aspects: 1) Essence of play characteristics; 2) play as a network with spots of play; 3) Standardized child friendly road and space. Integrating these three strategy aspects is done through architectural design elements like color, material patterns, horizontal and vertical activity, lighting, shape, and tools of play. The final design is approached by observing the context of the historical buildings. Play space areas is located in unsused historical buildings and using the existing empty spaces that has potential. Forming a play network connecting Jakarta Kota Station until Kali Besar river as a means for the integration of child friendly spaces. Play space area design pays close attention to the connection of play space area with the vehicle road, pedestrial road, and building facade, that is created with the concepts of permeability, landscape, and hidden gem.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Ng, Nathanael Christopher
Thesis advisor
Prakoso, Susinety
Uncontrolled Keywords: unsur bermain; jaringan bermain; ruang kota; jalan ramah anak
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Users 4667 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2021 02:32
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2021 02:33

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