Perancangan community farm berbasis critical regionalism pada kawasan Desa Wisata Osing Kemiren = Community farm design based on critical regionalism in Osing Kemiren

Ramadhan, Raihan (2021) Perancangan community farm berbasis critical regionalism pada kawasan Desa Wisata Osing Kemiren = Community farm design based on critical regionalism in Osing Kemiren. Bachelor thesis, Universiteas Pelita Harapan.

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Kabupaten Banyuwangi dibawah kepemimpinan Bupati H. Abdullah Azwar Anas memiliki visi untuk membranding Kabupaten Banyuwangi dengan melakukan pembangunan infrastruktur dengan mengangkat nilai-nilai lokal yang dimiliki. Dengan adanya pembangunan infrastruktur tersebut Kabupaten Banyuwangi yang lahan produktifnya tergolong tinggi di prediksi akan memberikan dampak buruk pada ekosistem lingkungan dimasa yang akan datang. Untuk itu akan dilakukan perancangan community farm berbasis critical regionalism pada kawasan Desa Wisata Osing Kemiren yang mana perancangan yang dibentuk diharapkan dapat menciptakan ekosistem lingkungan yang berkelanjutan mulai dari komunitas terkecil yang dimiliki dari Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Dalam melakukan perancangan community farm berbasis critical regionalism penulis melakukan pembelajaran pada studi literatur dan observasi. Studi literatur berupa critical regionalism, poetics of architecture, revealing design methods sebagai upaya pemahaman adaptasi karakter arsitektur pada regional setempat menjadi desain arsitektur kontemporer. Observasi dilakukan dua tahap, pertama, observasi ke Kabupaten Banyuwangi sebagai upaya memahami karakter arsitektur lokal dan kontemporer terkait aspek formal seperti skala, geometri, material, zonasi, sirkulasi serta elemen-elemen pembentuk ruang lainya. Kedua, observasi ke Bumi Langit Institute sebagai upaya memahami konsep perancangan berbasis permaculture seperti hubungan antar ruang, aktifitas dan program ruang. Proses perancangan community farm dirumuskan dengan strategi desain secara formal,spasial dan teknikal hasil pembelajaran critical regionalism dan prinsip permaculture. Dalam prosesnya penulis mengambil tiga konsep utama yaitu Karakter Osing,komunitas dan keberlanjutan. Karakter Osing dilakukan sebagai upaya adaptasi prinsip-prinsip perancangan pada arsitektur Osing ke dalam perancangan community farm, komunitas di-implmentasi program berbasis komunitas sebagai bentuk mengekspresikan karakter masyarakat Osing dan implementasi prinsip permaculture dan keberlanjutan diwujudkan dengan memaksimalkan konteks air pada tapak dan implementasi dari prinsip-prinsip permaculture. Dengan adanya ketiga konsep ini diharapkan perancangan community farm dapat menghasilkan ekosistem yang berkelanjutan, meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar hingga pariwisata yang berkelanjutan./ Banyuwangi Regency under the leadership of Regent H. Abdullah Azwar Anas has a vision to brand Banyuwangi Regency by carrying out infrastructure development by elevating its local values. With the infrastructure development, Banyuwangi Regency, whose productive land is classified as high, is predicted to have a negative impact on environmental ecosystems in the future. For this reason, a community farm based on critical regionalism will be designed in the Osing Kemiren Tourism Village area where the design formed is expected to create a sustainable environmental ecosystem starting from the smallest community owned by Banyuwangi Regency. In designing a community farm based on critical regionalism, the authors study literature and observation. Literature studies in the form of critical regionalism, poetics of architecture, revealing design methods as an effort to understand the adaptation of architectural characters in the local region into contemporary architectural designs. Observations were carried out in two stages, first, observation to Banyuwangi Regency as an effort to understand the character of local and contemporary architecture related to formal aspects such as scale, geometry, material, zoning, circulation and other space-forming elements. Second, observations to the Bumi Langit Institute as an effort to understand the concept of permaculture-based design such as the relationship between spaces, activities and spatial programs. The community farm design process is formulated with a formal, spatial and technical design strategy as a result of learning critical regionalism and permaculture principles. In the process the author takes three main concepts, namely Osing Character, community and sustainability. The Osing character is carried out as an effort to adapt the design principles of the Osing architecture into the design of a community farm, the community is implemented a community-based program as a form of expressing the character of the Osing community and the implementation of permaculture and sustainability principles is realized by maximizing the water context on the site and the implementation of these principles. permaculture principles. With these three concepts, it is hoped that the design of a community farm can produce a sustainable ecosystem, improve the economy of the surrounding community to sustainable tourism.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Ramadhan, Raihan
Thesis advisor
Gunawan, Undi
Uncontrolled Keywords: Critical Regionalism ; Community Farm ; Arsitektur Banyuwangi
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Users 4731 not found.
Date Deposited: 29 Jun 2021 04:12
Last Modified: 18 Mar 2022 06:33

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