Ekspresi sakral melalui pendekatan naratif pada perancangan gereja katolik kontemporer = Sacred expression through narrative approaches to the design of the contemporary catholic church

Halim, Michael Antonio (2021) Ekspresi sakral melalui pendekatan naratif pada perancangan gereja katolik kontemporer = Sacred expression through narrative approaches to the design of the contemporary catholic church. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Bangunan Gereja merupakan perwujudan ekspresi pemaknaan religis yang di tranlasikan kedalam elemen arsitektural. Namun seiring berkembangnya zaman, cara untuk mengekspresikan kesakralan pada gereja pun berubah. Pada arsitektur modernisme gereja tidak memiliki landasan maupun aturan tertentu dalam perancanganya selain daripada fungsi liturgis, hal tersebut membuat gereja menjadi relativist space. Ketiadaan aturan tersebut membuat bangunan gereja pada era kontemporer dapat merujuk kepada relativist space, dimana bangunan memiliki bahasa universal dan tidak bisa dibedakan dengan bangunan ibadah maupun bangunan sekuler lainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan pendekatan naratif terhadap ekspresi sakral pada bangunan gereja kontemporer, sehingga bangunan gereja dapat mengespresikan kesakralan dengan menarasikan dasar teologisnya. Dengan demikian pendekatan naratif akan membantu dalam pembentukan elemen arsitektur pada gereja sehingga dapat mencerminkan makna dan identitas katolik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan studi literatur dan studi preseden. Akhir dari penelitian menghasilkan perancangan gereja kontemporer dengan ekspresi kesakralan yang berdasarkan kepada pendekatan naratif. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan strategi didalam merancang gereja katolik kontemporer pada konteks yang spesifik. / Church building is an expression of religious meaning which is translated into architectural elements. However, as time went on, the way to express sacredness in the church changed. In modernist architecture, the church does not have a certain foundation or rule in its design other than a liturgical function, this makes the church a relativist space. The absence of these regulations makes church buildings in the contemporary era refer to relativist spaces, where buildings have a universal language and cannot be distinguished from other buildings of worship or secular buildings. This study aims to apply a narrative approach to sacred expression in contemporary church buildings, so that the church building can express its sacredness by narrating its theological basis. Thus the narrative approach will assist in the formation of architectural elements in the church so that it can reflect Catholic meaning and identity. The research will be conducted using qualitative methods with literature studies and precedent studies. The end of the research produce a contemporary church design with sacred expressions based on a narrative approach. This research can become a strategic reference in designing a contemporary Catholic church in a specific context.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Halim, Michael Antonio
Thesis advisor
Indramawan, Denis
Uncontrolled Keywords: arsitektur gereja kontemporer; relativist space; pendekatan naratif; ekspresi sakral.
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Michael Antonio Halim
Date Deposited: 28 Jun 2021 03:53
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2022 09:50
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/39822

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