Perancangan ruang agrikultur melalui siklus pengolahan pasokan pangan berkelanjutan bagi komunitas urban

Adjie, Karisya (2021) Perancangan ruang agrikultur melalui siklus pengolahan pasokan pangan berkelanjutan bagi komunitas urban. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pengolahan pangan urban saat ini merupakan sistem tak berkelanjutan bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan. Fenomena tersebut melatarbelakangi penulis untuk meneliti sistem pengolahan siklus pasokan pangan efektif, pada perancangan bangunan agrikultur urban. Penelitian ini mempertanyakan kriteria dan parameter pengolahan berkelanjutan, strategi desain bangunan agrikultur, dan strategi penerapan sistem pertanian dalam perancangan ruang urban. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk merancang sebuah ruang agrikultur dengan fokus utama yang terletak pada food space ruang interior publik di kawasan Senayan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif studi pustaka, mengenai elemen desain bangunan agrikultur dengan pengolahan siklus pasokan pangan, serta studi preseden Distrik Agrikultur Urban Sunqiao yang menghasilkan rumusan strategi desain. Penelitian ini juga dilengkapi dengan kuesioner yang mempertanyakan kebiasaan pangan masyarakat urban, demi menghasilkan alur program ruang. Hasil dari penelitian merupakan 7 rangkaian konsep perancangan yang digunakan sebagai acuan desain. Ketujuh konsep perancangan yang mencakup konsep tapak, gubahan massa, program ruang, spasial ruang, pencahayaan, ventilasi, bentuk ruang, fasad, dan pola energi, diterapkan pada Lapangan Golf Nasional Senayan, Jl. Asia Afrika. Studi analisa tapak menyimpulkan bahwa area tersebut tergolong sebagai zona taman lingkungan kota yang pasif, tanpa adanya keberagaman komunitas. Dengan demikian, dilakukan injeksi program yang menitikberatkan integrasi antara aktivitas agrikultur, komersial, dan wisata; guna menghasilkan ruang interior publik yang kontekstual, dinamis, dan interaktif bagi masyarakat sekitar. Rancangan program terbagi ke dalam massa bangunan yang mewadahi pusat agrikultur, pusat komersial, pusat wisata, dan pusat residensial/perkantoran. Keempat program tersebut dikelilingi oleh lahan hijau produktif menggunakan gabungan sistem pertanian vertikal dan permakultur, yang dapat diakses oleh pejalan kaki dan pengendara sepeda. Diharapkan hasil perancangan dalam penelitian ini dapat mendorong penerapan sistem pertanian dalam konteks perkotaan, mempererat koneksi antara manusia dengan alam, melalui penerapan ilmu arsitektur yang mendukung siklus pengolahan pasokan pangan berkelanjutan bagi komunitas urban./Current urban food systems are categorized as unsustainable, for the well-being of urban consumers and the environment. This phenomenon encouraged the author to analyze effective food supply systems, in the design of building-integrated agriculture. This study questions the criteria for sustainable processing, agriculture design strategies, and implementation of agriculture systems in urban space design. The purpose of this research is to design an agricultural space which focus on public food space within the Senayan area. The method used is a qualitative method of literature study, regarding building design with food supply cycle, as well as a precedent study regarding Sunqiao Urban Agriculture District, which formulated a set of design strategies. This research also deployed a study of survey, which questioned the food habits of urban dwellers, in order to produce a spatial program flow. The overall research resulted 7 design concepts that are used as a design reference point. The concept includes site design, mass compositions, spatial programming, lighting, ventilation, spatial forms, façade, and energy patterns, which are applied to the Senayan National Golf Course, Jl. Asia Afrika. The site analysis concluded that the area is classified as a passive urban public park, with the absence of community diversity. Thus, an injection of programs that focuses on integration between agriculture, commercial, and tourism activities is deployed; in order to produce a contextual, dynamic, and interactive public space for the surrounding community. The design is divided into a complex of buildings, each accommodating specific flow of programs – agriculture center, commercial center, tourism center, and residential/office center. The four buildings are surrounded with productive landscape areas, combining vertical and permaculture farming systems, which are accessible to pedestrians and cyclists. It is hoped that the design resulted from this research can encourage the application of agricultural systems in urban areas, strengthening connections between human and nature, through the application of architectural science that supports the circular economy in sustainable food supply for urban communities.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Adjie, Karisya
Thesis advisor
Srinaga, Felia
Uncontrolled Keywords: pengolahan siklus pasokan pangan; sistem pertanian; bangunan agrikultur urban
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Karisya Ratu Putri Adjie
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2021 03:12
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2021 03:12

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