Perancangan museum transportasi umum darat interaktif dan edukatif sebagai third place bagi generasi muda: studi kasus di kawasan transit oriented development (TOD) Dukuh Atas = Design of interactive and educational museum of public land transportation as a third place for youths: a case study in Dukuh Atas transit oriented development (TOD)

Josdaan, Jocelyn (2024) Perancangan museum transportasi umum darat interaktif dan edukatif sebagai third place bagi generasi muda: studi kasus di kawasan transit oriented development (TOD) Dukuh Atas = Design of interactive and educational museum of public land transportation as a third place for youths: a case study in Dukuh Atas transit oriented development (TOD). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Generasi muda, yang mencakup usia 16-30 tahun, memiliki semangat sosialisasi dan kolaborasi yang tinggi. Mereka aktif mencari third place untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunitas, sementara teknologi digital menjadi bagian besar dari hidup mereka. Di samping mengikuti bahkan menguasai perkembangan teknologi digital, generasi muda membutuhkan perkembangan secara menyeluruh/holistik sebagai prioritas utama hidup mereka. Pengetahuan tentang perkembangan sosial dan budaya di kota tempat tinggal atau yang mereka kunjungi menjadi salah satu pembuka wawasan dalam mengisi kehidupan generasi muda. Dalam konteks Jakarta, permasalahan muncul di area Transit Oriented Development (TOD), yang kurang menarik minat masyarakat karena kurangnya variasi kegiatan publik di TOD dan area sekitarnya. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, penulis mengusulkan perancangan sebuah museum transportasi umum darat yang interaktif dan edukatif. Usulan ini juga didukung oleh sedikitnya museum di Jakarta yang memilliki daya interaksi tinggi sehingga kurang diminati oleh masyarakat. Perancangan museum ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan interaktif dan pengalaman berinteraksi bagi generasi muda di third place serta meningkatkan keterhubungan di sekitarnya. Keberadaan museum ini diharapkan akan mengisi kekosongan dalam fasilitas museum interaktif di Jakarta. Selain memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat, bidang arsitektur, dan pemerintah, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian teori, studi preseden, dan kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis masalah, serta merancang strategi desain. Beberapa strategi desain yang dihasilkan yaitu: strategi penataan tempat dan konteks dengan lingkungan, strategi visibilitas, strategi akses dan sirkulasi, strategi peletakan massa, strategi ruang terbuka dan landscape strategi tata letak, hubungan ruang, dan program, strategi penataan koleksi interaktif, serta strategi identitas dan fasad. Strategi desain tersebut diterapkan dalam proses perancangan museum yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan generasi muda akan tempat ketiga yang mendukung perkembangan holistik. Melalui keberadaan museum di tengah area TOD ini, diharapkan juga akan mempengaruhi desain perkotaan dan ruang publik secara keseluruhan. / The younger generation, aged 16-30, exhibits a high level of enthusiasm for socialization and collaboration. They actively seek out third places for interaction and community engagement, with digital technology playing a significant role in their lives. In addition to keeping pace with, and mastering, digital advancements, the young generation prioritizes holistic development as a fundamental aspect of their lives. Acquiring knowledge about the social and cultural developments in the cities they reside in or visit is a key aspect of broadening the horizons of the young generation. In the context of Jakarta, challenges arise in the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) area, which has failed to capture the interest of the community due to the lack of diverse public activities within the TOD and its surrounding areas. To address these challenges, the author proposes the design of an interactive and educational ground public transport museum. This proposal is supported by the scarcity of highly interactive museums in Jakarta, which receive less public attention. The design of this museum aims to provide interactive knowledge and experiences for the younger generation in a third-place setting, while also enhancing connectivity in its vicinity. The presence of this museum is expected to fill the gap in interactive museum facilities in Jakarta. In addition to benefiting the community, architecture, and government, this research utilizes theoretical studies, precedent analyses, and questionnaires to identify and analyze issues, and subsequently formulate design strategies. Some of the design strategies generated include: strategies for organizing space and context within the environment, visibility strategies, access and circulation strategies, massing placement strategies, open space and landscape strategies, layout, spatial relationships, and program strategies, interactive collection arrangement strategies, as well as identity and facade strategies. These design strategies are applied in the museum design process to meet the needs of the younger generation for a third place that supports holistic development. Through the presence of the museum in the TOD area, it is also expected to influence urban design and public spaces comprehensively.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Josdaan, Jocelyn
Thesis advisor
Srinaga, Felia
Uncontrolled Keywords: museum; transportasi umum darat; interaktif dan edukatif; third place; generasi muda; museum; public land transportation; interactive and educational; third place; youth.
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: JOCELYN JOSDAAN
Date Deposited: 31 May 2024 13:24
Last Modified: 31 May 2024 13:24

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