Items where Division is "Hotel Management" and Year is 2019

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Abigail, Deborah and Angela, Fransisca (2019) Penelitian pembuatan jus buah dengan menggabungkan bahan microgreens : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Adelia, Meissy and Cenniago, Stephanie (2019) Inovasi pembuatan bubur sumsum untuk isian pie dengan 5 varian rasa : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Aklin, Kezia, Sutiknja, Maya and Nangju, Princess D. N. A. (2019) Burger with sweet potato bun book design / : Work of professional competence. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Alicia, Alicia (2019) Business feasibility study proposal japanese restaurant pukurin at Citra Garden 6th West Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Alina, Maria Rosa and Christanto, Yoannita (2019) Rancangan buku panduan kuliner kota Tegal : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Amelia, Arum (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Sugar Bloom Atelier di Alam Sutera. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Anatasia, Catherine, Machi, Jessica and Gillian, Natasha (2019) Pengembangan makanan ringan dengan menggunakan bahan dasar empat jenis umbi-umbian di Indonesia : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Andiani, Priscillia and Prianto, Yulia (2019) Pengaruh biaya promosi terhadap volume penjualan di Restoran Korebeq Pantai Indah Kapuk : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Andrea, Veronica (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Grate & Grill di Gading Serpong. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Andriany, Ria (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Blutea Tea House di kota Bandung. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Angela, Angela and Christianto, Christianto (2019) Pemanfaatan buah buni sebagai bahan untuk salad dressing : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Angeline, Devy, Pangsadikin, Tinneke and F, Yosella Julistia (2019) Pemanfaatan tape singkong sebagai bahan tambahan dan isi pada pembuatan french desserts : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Anggeriana, Abigael Chintya and Marshella, Marshella (2019) Persepsi mahasiswa tingkat akhir terhadap employer brand (studi kasus pada mahasiswa Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan) : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Anggraini, Gresya (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Sootteok House di Gading Serpong. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Anggreani, Irene, Angela, Livenia and Susilo, Regina Dominica (2019) Analisis tingkat kesukaan muffin kukus menggunakan kulit pisang dengan varian isi cita rasa Indonesia : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Ariel, Christopher and Serrano, Regino Paulo Da Costa E (2019) Analisis pengaruh produk wisata dan promosi terhadap keputusan berkunjung wisatawan Pulau Atauro Timor Leste : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Ashar, Ivena (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis restoran Bale di Cisarua kabupaten Bandung Barat. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Bachtiar, Kennard Adiwena (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis restoran Jamuriang di Kavling Komersial BSD. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Beatrice, Marissa (2019) Business feasibility study proposal Pinata Restaurant at Pantai Indah Kapuk North Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Burhan, Anastasia Sharleen (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis I Scream for Ice-cream di Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta Utara. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Candy, Candy (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Pivot Joint Study Cafe di Gading Serpong Kabupaten Tangerang. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Carolin, Carolin and Suryana, Nathania (2019) Rancangan buku resep kue cubit dengan varian rasa tradisional Indonesia : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Chandra, Kevin and Chandra, Calista (2019) Penggunaan jeli bubuk pada pembuatan selai stroberi dan nanas : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Chellino, Enrico and Tanaka, Veddrick (2019) Examination of restaurants consumer acceptance of mobile payment technology in Gading Serpong Tangerang : Work of professional competence. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Chen, Arron, Julius, Julius and Wendy, Wendy (2019) Campuran jenis-jenis tepung nabati terhadap tingkat kerenyahan ayam goreng tepung : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Christanti, Priscilla and Tiffany, Tiffany (2019) Pemahaman & sikap mahasiswa program studi Pengelolaan Perhotelan Universitas Pelita Harapan terhadap konsep pariwisata berkelanjutan : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Christina, Levy and Wijaya, Vivyan (2019) Rancangan buku resep praline cita rasa : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Christine, Kezia (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Bakery Cafe Sucre et Fourmi di Citra Garden 6 Jakarta Barat. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Cicilia, Jennifer (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Frukthaus at Galaxy Mall Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Cladonia, Cindy (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Sora O Chira di Pontianak. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Clarensia, Clarensia and Angelina, Selvia (2019) Persepsi perbedaan kepuasan pemakaian seragam mahasiswa Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Darmawan, Debbie (2019) Why we buy what we buy (factors influencing the tourists from Jakarta buying pia legong from Bali) = faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi turis dari Jakarta untuk membeli pia legong Bali. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Davina, Narda (2019) Pengaruh ulasan daring tripadvisor terhadap minat beli daring pada hotel butik Kosenda Jakarta = Impact of tripadvisor’s online review on online purchase intention in boutique hotel kosenda Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Devina, Charlotte (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Greenscape Yurts at Mount Gede Pangrango West Java. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Dwiputri, Grace Elizabeth (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Brooklyn Board Game Cafe at Batam City. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Ebenhaezer, Nathanael and Timotius, Timotius (2019) Analisis pengaruh electronic word of mouth di media sosial terhadap ekuitas merek produk Maxx Coffee pada mahasiswa Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan di Karawaci : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Edbert, Joshua and Susanto, Reno (2019) Analisis pengaruh service quality, food quality, dan perceived value sebagai perdiktor customer satisfaction pada rumah makan Ampera Suci Bandung : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Ehandito, Byan and Chandra, Kennedy Purnama (2019) Rancangan buku resep kebab dengan variasi isian nusantara : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Elbert, Justin (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis The Folks Burger di Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta Utara. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Emmanuella, Ria (2019) Business feasibility study proposal Padi Lokal Restaurant at Lippo Mall Puri Wset Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Erina, Erina (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis House of Tea Saphala di Ubud Bali. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Faustina, Gabriella, Feliciandra, Griselda and Samantha, Miesyel (2019) Rancangan buku resep 12 makanan penutup dengan varian rasa teh hitam : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Febiola, Febiola and Farica, Janice (2019) Pengaruh kualitas produk, lokasi, dan harga terhadap revisit intention pada konsumen speciality coffee di Brew and Else Jakarta Utara : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Febrian, Alveline and Tansil, Lita (2019) Faktor-faktor yang menjadi daya tarik pengunjung dan pengaruhnya terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di Restoran Talaga Sampireun : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Felincia, Eldis (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Pondok Betedoeh di Tanjung Kelayang kabupaten Belitung. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Fidelia, Kathleen (2019) Business feasibility study proposal Furui Daycare and Activities Center in Bumi Serpong Damai South Tangerang. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Fransisca, Livia (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Gateau House of Cupcakes di Ruko Tanjung Duren Square Jakarta Barat. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Fransiska, Irene (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Archanesia Fried Carrot Cake di Ruko Alam Sutera Town Center Kota Tangerangan Selatan. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Gilberta, Evelyn and Thalia, Kezia (2019) Rancangan buku resep aneka hidangan berbahan dasar oncom : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Gozali, Cindy Julia and Davina, Narda (2019) Pengaruh ulasan daring tripadvisor terhadap minat beli daring pada hotel Butik Kosenda Jakarta : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Grace, Florencia, Halim, Natasha Kumalasari and Sumarli, Silvi Yuliana (2019) Pemanfaatan buah-buahan sebagai pewarna alami dalam pembuatan kue mangkok : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Grady, Ryan (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Whisk and Brew Studio at Pantai Indah Kapuk. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Gunawan, Angela Anandatu and Purnamasari, Janetty (2019) Pengembangan produk kukis dengan substitusi tiga jenis tepung kacang : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Gunawan, Yenny (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis restoran Khuntien's Taste di Gadiing Serpong. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Halim, Evelyn Livinsia (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Hadia Duria Dessert Cafe di Kota Gunungsitoli Pulau Nias. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Halim, Octaviani (2019) Restoran studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Xin Chao di Kota Medan. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Haris, Feliciana, Wong, Sandra and Regita, Santi (2019) Local tourist perception on Cirebon's local food and revisit intention : Work of professional competence. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Harjanto, Cornelia Nadya and Putra, David (2019) Persepsi dan sikap mahasiswa non pariwisata terhadap karir di industri restoran : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Hartanto, Adrian and Sutedja, Juliet (2019) Pengabdian kepada masyarakat pelatihan pembuatan rice cooker cake kepada Yayasan Anyo Indonesia dan Sekolah IPEKA Puri Indah : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Hartojuwono, Eunike Jessica (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Keep Munchies Cafe at Semarang Central Java. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Hendra, Justin Giovanny (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Sip and Slurp at Ruko Garden Shopping Arcade Royal Mediteranea West Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Hezkiel, Jane, Hans, Stephany and Vivian, Vivian (2019) Pengaruh pelaksanaan program pelatihan kerja dan pengembangan karir terhadap kinerja pegawai di Hotel Fairmont Sanur Beach Bali bagian room division : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Hidayat, Elizabeth and Pricillia, Nina (2019) Produk pelaksanaan event dialog peluang dan tantangan pengembangan wisata Desa Sumba Barat Daya : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Holvianne, Emmanuella Andhi (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Dine & Shake Restaurant at Jalan Sisingamangaraja Semarang. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Hong, Alysia Siswanto (2019) Business feasibility study Authentic Wedding Planner at Dewi Sri Bali. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Irena, Florencia and Sherlim, Sandra Sannovi (2019) Rancangan buku resep aneka masakan khas Palembang : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Jessica, Jessica and Trinita, Viona (2019) Book design of basic english for hospitality and tourism : Work of professional competence. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Johana, Johana, Adrian, Tan Joshua and Winata, Yoga (2019) Work of Professional Competence Seminar Coffee Shop 101. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Jonathan, Catherine Patricia (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis NG Le Boch bistro gaye betawi di Ruko Gadget Gading Serpong. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Jonathan, F.X. Patrick. and Liem, Melinda A. (2019) Hubungan antara usaha service recovery terhadap minat kunjungan kembali di Fresh Hotel Sukabumi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

K, Nabella Marsya, D, Puspa Adinda and L., Tsamara Dwiatri (2019) Pengaruh kepuasan mahasiswa Program Studi Pengelolaan Perhotelan Universitas Pelita Harapan dalam melaksanakan program praktik kerja lapangan terhadap minat kerja di industri hospitality : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Kantjana, Ashley Grace. and Angie, Gabriella (2019) Perceived emotional values & eco-green concept on hotel customers purchase intention : Work of professional competence. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Keles, Gracia Lisa and Cool, Tamara Marisa (2019) Rancangan buku laundry hotel : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Keswani, Shekinah Glory H (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Dago le Pasta Restaurant and Bar at Dago Bandung. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Khonery, Alverina and Joan, Marcelline (2019) Penelitian pembuatan cheesecake dengan menggunakan golongan sayuran buah : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Kurniawan, Johan (2019) Business feasibility study proposal Greenlight Convenience Store at Paskal Hyper Square Bandung. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Laurencia, Sonya and C., Natasya Azalea (2019) Pengolahan kudapan cita rasa Indonesia berbahan dasar jagung : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Lee, Livia (2019) Persepsi mahasiswa pengelolaan perhotelan Universitas Pelita Harapan terhadap keputusan untuk bekerja di industri pariwisata : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Limiawan, Delwyn and Halim, Isaac (2019) Rancangan buku resep Cocktail Jelly. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Lin, Keziah and Liem, Wilma D. W. (2019) A book design a guide to sustainable tourism : Work of professional competence. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Lindy, Amelia and Nurintan, Nurintan (2019) Hasil uji mutu hedonik lidah kucing dengan varian rasa daun kelor (moringa oleifera) : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Linus, Christian Surya, Robby, Daniel and Tanjung, Julius Caesar (2019) Rancangan buku resep kreasi pizza dengan dough & toppings varian rasa nusantara : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Liu, Martin Tandean, Sugiharto, Sarah and Parera, Victor A. M. (2019) Rancangan buku resep minuman campuran berbahan dasar kopi tanpa menggunakan produk olahan susu : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Marcelina, Marcelina (2019) Studi kelayakan bisnis Triangle Convention Center di Puri Kembangan. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Marthalena, Marthalena (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Bon Fournaise Kitchen Space di Gading Serpong. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Meidiva, Meidiva (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Indonesia Tjuap Tjuap di Pantai Indah Kapuk. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Meilyanti, Meilyanti (2019) Hasil studi kelayakan bisnis Cafe Cha-Chawa di Cidokom Gunung Sindur Bogor. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Mentari, Viana (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Beautea Blow Cafe di Gading Serpong Kabupaten Tangerang. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Merlin, Merlin (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Delasser Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta Utara. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Merrickchie, Merrickchie (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Arjani Rejuvenation Center and Spa in Medan City North Sumatera. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Muliadi, Martha and Kumala, Riny Natali (2019) Buku resep kreasi hidangan pembuka Indonesia : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Musa, Citra Sonia Paramitha and Mondigir, Gideon Samuel (2019) Rancangan buku resep 10 makanan sehat dengan citra rasa nusantara : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

NG, Jufrianto and Sandro, Komang Arie (2019) Eksperimental kue klepon berbahan dasar tepung kentang dan tepung ubi jalar : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Natasha, Chelsea, Citra, Marthania Gracia and Tirtajaya, Stevie Chandra (2019) Pengaruh service quality dan brand awareness go-food terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa program studi Pengelolaan Perhotelan Universitas Pelita Harapan : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Natasya, Imelda (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Wes Tangi Cafe & Roastery Pluit Jakarta Utara. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Nathaniel, Bram and Junior, Gary Nanda (2019) Pembuatan produk olahan saus dengan tiga citra rasa soto nusantara : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Noviliani, Hanna (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Happy Cals di Gading Serpong. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Novitasari, Dhea Aprillia, Setiawan, Jessica Tamara and Saptopo, Maria Mareta (2019) Analisis perbandingan uji hedonik dan uji mutu hedonik brownies kurma panggang hasil percampuran tepung konyyaku dengan tepung terigu : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Osyanne, Adriyani (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis So Matcha Cafe di Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Pakasi, Deandra Ashthyn (2019) Studi kelayakan bisnis Dash of Chocolate Cafe di Makasar. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Pangestu, Grace Anita (2019) Penyelenggaraan pameran Indonesia Moslem Fashion Expo 2018 : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Pedro, Daniel, Agung, George and Riady, Jason (2019) Keripik kentang dengan aneka bumbu tabur khas Indonesia : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Pinotoan, Sindy Praishella (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Saveeyo Gelateria di Bumi Serpong Damai Tangerang. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Precia, Cindy, Parinding, Haryawan Tangkelembang and Hapsara, Vriandi (2019) Analisis pengaruh faktor-faktor demografi terhadap perilaku konsumen dalam menghasilkan limbah makanan di Restoran All You Can Eat Buffet di Tangerang : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Rahardjo, Anita and Aprilia, Beverly (2019) Uji organolpetik hasil jadi nastar mocaf dengan menggunakan mentega dan alpukat : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Regina, Regina (2019) Business feasibility study proposal Sherwood Coworking Space at Lippo Village Tangerang Regency. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Salendro, Edward, Felix, Felix and Widjaja, Fransisco Leandrio Noviandy (2019) Pembuatan rancangan buku resep aneka masakan hidangan gurame : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Salim, Jesslyn Katricia (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Imah Tiis di Tarogong Kidul, Kabupaten Garut. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Salim, Vina Chandra (2019) Studi kelayakan bisnis Okana Cafe Japanese Sweet and Snack Cafe di Alam Sutera Tangerang. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Sanjaya, Caroline and Wijaya, Stefany (2019) Rancangan kompilasi tata cara pelaksanaan inventaris chinaware, sliverware & glassware laboratorium restoran program studi pengelolaan perhotelan fakultas pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Setiawan, Kezia Palitha and Orlena, Orlena (2019) Pembuatan event lomba fashion show nasional busana muslim anak 2018 di Kementrian Perindustrian Jakarta Pusat : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Shienny, Bellacia (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Belle the Cake Cake Shop at Neo Soho Mall in West Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Sinta, Clara, Iskandar, Delvina Calista and Salmon, Stefanny (2019) Rancangan buku etiket dan protokol : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Soenia, Monica and Runtuwene, Rigilkent Lupicarolli (2019) Learning module for the front office vhp system in hospitality management study program at Universitas Pelita Harapan : Work of professional competence. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Stella, Stella (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis restoran Ciao Bella: Pizza E Pasta di Jakarta Barat. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Stephanie, Angela Beatrice, Ananta, Christiawan Susila and Sukher, Jeremia (2019) Rancangan buku resep rodang roti soft roll dengan varian isi cita rasa masakan padang : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Suharna, Dessy and Jung, Ilchae (2019) Two variation of brownies using coconut flour and almond flour combined with flaxseed meal : Work of professional competence. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Sulaiman, Miranda (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Coffee Shop Coup de Foudre di Teluk Betung Bandar Lampung. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Suria, Carina, Elton, Olivia and Cendana, Stefano (2019) Rancangan buku ragam rangkaian bunga untuk restoran Casual Upscale Dining : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Suryaputra, Kendrew (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis kelok nusantara di Muara Karang. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Suto, Meilisa (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Maika'i Restaurant at Samarinda East Kalimantan. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Sutrisno, Natasha Bunga and Johari, Evelyn Jevon (2019) Faktor penyebab loyalistas konsumen pada Waroeng SS Lippo Karawaci Tangerang : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Tairas, Willyandi (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of The Duri durian-based Cafe at Pantai Indah Kapuk. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Tamin, Janet Marsha (2019) Studi kelayakan bisnis - flodex (bunga gula), bunga pasta gula, produser dekorasi kue Jakarta = Business feasibility study proposal - flodex (florescence dextrose), gum paste flower, cake decoration producer Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Tanata, Michelle (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Warteg Lauk Pauk di Gading Serpong. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Tanjuan, Riana Alda (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Tourte Jarre Cafe di Gading Serpong. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Tanus, Brandon (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Burgoki Restaurant di Lippo Mall Puri Jakarta Barat. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Teresa, Siska (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Buttery Gastro Steakhouse di Jalan Gunawarman Jakarta Selatan. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Thamson, Felita Loisiana (2019) Business feasibility study of Bao & Fu Restaurant at Jalan Citarum in Bandung. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Tika, Tika (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Polkatel di Singkawang. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Tjokromulia, Julio Putra (2019) Why we buy what we buy (factors influencing the tourists from Jakarta buying pia legong from Bali) = faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi turis dari Jakarta untuk membeli pia legong Bali. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Triswandi, Angel Ciline and Sunaryo, Yulia Stefanni (2019) Rancangan buku resep masakan nusantara dengan cita rasa manado : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Valencia, Cindy and Kurniawan, Fristian (2019) Inovasi salad dressing dengan bahan dasar buah dan rempah-rempah : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Valentia, Valentia (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Fruggie Dessert Cafe di Gading Serpong. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Vanessa, Della and Halim, Ilyani (2019) Pengaruh servicesescape terhadap loyalitas konsumen di Restoran Chakra The Breeze BSD : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Vidi, Vasthi (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Cepat Saji Veggie Taco di Gading Serpong Tangerang. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Vivian, Vivian (2019) Business feasibility study Spirit Health & Wellness Center at Kebon Jeruk West Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Vivian, Vivian (2019) Business feasibility study proposal Bentang Hejo Resort at Ciwidey Bandung Regency. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Widjaja, Vania Dewi (2019) Business feasibility study of Kayu Rempah Restaurant at Senopati Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Wijaya, Elisabeth Rahayu, Andyanto, Febe Finna and Tanasha, Stella (2019) Pembuat event sosialisasi manfaat dan fakta dari santan : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Wijaya, Maria Nathalie (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Bathroom Cafe di Tasikmalaya. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Winata, Elisabeth Heidi (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of CC Sleep and Eat Hotel at Semarang Bizpark. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Winata, Veronica (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Biszcuits Dessert dan Workspace di Alam Sutera Kota Tangerang Selatan. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Wiryadinata, Celine, Sierra, Desy Arisandy and Elvira, Elvira (2019) Pengaruh produk dan lokasi terhadap keputusan pembelian di Ropang Plus Plus : Karya kompetensi profesi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Yapina, Nicole Chiara (2019) Proposal studi kelayakan bisnis Restoran Kosu di Kota Bogor. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Yolla, Yolla (2019) Business feasibility study proposal ASA Pasta - Asian Style Asian Pasta at Kelapa Gading North Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Yonanda, Gabriela Cindy (2019) Business feasibility study proposal of Ono Polynesian Restaurant and Bar at Kemang South Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 17:48:39 2025 WIB.