Items where Division is "Visual Communication Design" and Year is 2001

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Number of items: 49.


Asa, Sylvie (2001) PT. Procon Graha Indah. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Asmara, Olivia Liza (2001) Re-design visual identity Javana Spa. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Astuti, Sri (2001) PT. Terang Buana Solsa. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Caroline, Caroline (2001) Kampanye konsumsi buah dan sayur. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Chandra, Angela Lovenia (2001) PT. Foreverindo Insanabadi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Cheristopher, Cheristopher (2001) Genta Grafis. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Cleiffy, Leonard (2001) Buku tentang permainan tradisional anak-anak di Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Cynthia, Cynthia (2001) CA strategic design. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Dedy, Dedy (2001) Desain komunikasi visual kopi excelso. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Dewi, Kirana Chandra (2001) Identitas visual Lembaga Biologi Molekuler Eijkman. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Felicia, Sheilla (2001) Konser peduli pendidikan pengungsi anak Maluku. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Jusdianto, Erlina (2001) PT. Dewa Cipta Estetika. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Kristianto, Daniel (2001) PT. Permata Medialand. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Kusumajaya, Jeffry (2001) Kampanye Asia Pacific Physics+Art Festival. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Kuswandi, Erline (2001) PT. Jasa Paluda Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Lalita, Janice (2001) PT. Dang Desaindo Internusa. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Legowo, Dita Saraswati (2001) P3TEK (Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Energi dan Ketenagalistrikan). Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Lestari, Dwi (2001) PT. Cozi Cipta Kreasi. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Margalim, Louis Ekosatrio (2001) PT. Artek 'n Partner Communication. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Mayasella, Susan (2001) Matari Advertising. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Minawati, Minawati (2001) Paket komunikasi visual biskuit baru produksi PT. Arnotts Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Oktarina, Yenny (2001) PT. Procon Indah. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Putri, Michiko Dharma (2001) PT. Optima Adhika. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Raharja, Donna (2001) Re-design corporate identity Monggo Silver. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Ratnasari, Elisabeth (2001) Eksperimen desain komuniaksi visual yang menggambarkan gerakan. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Rizqi, Hertriono Fadhil (2001) PT. Linknet. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Sanita, Winny (2001) PT. Itacindo Internusa. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Saputra, Marahtini Dewi (2001) CA Strategic Design. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Sarah, Alia (2001) Pt. inpurema konsultama. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Septiyanti, Septiyanti (2001) PT. Parama Dharma. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Setyo, Budiharto and Suwandi, Wang (2001) PT.Taman Dayu, PT. Binamaju Grahamitra, PT. Bengkel Agung. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Sidharta, Tenny (2001) Re-design corporate identity Sagita Pastry. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Soegiono, Koesiang (2001) Mempromosikan Jakarta sebagai pusat belanja dan hiburan bagi wisata. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Soegiono, Orry Wijanarko (2001) PT. Adiemas Nurjaya ( Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Soetedjo, Angeline Gracia (2001) PT. Dang Desaindo Internusa. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Solikin, Fanny (2001) Re-design kemasan kosmetika remaja mustika puteri. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Sud Hadi, Dyah Evaningrum (2001) Kampanye menciptakan kerja dan lingkungan kerja yang aman. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Sumardi, Maresa (2001) Promosi Perkin (Perkumpulan Kinologi Indonesia). Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Sunaringsih, Monica Sri (2001) Sehat dengan rempah. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Surapati, Joy Anggraini (2001) Promosi simcomm Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Suryadarma, Susilowati (2001) Re-design corporate identity Jatayu Airlines. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Sutantyo, Gracely Fanita (2001) Promosi acara wisata selam terumbu karang Indonesia Friends of. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Suwandi, Suwandi (2001) Re-design corporate identity Universitas Pelita Harapan. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Tjahja, Nathalia (2001) Trimatra broadcast and entertainment. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.


Weng, Fan Ju (2001) PT. Procon Indah, PT. Matahari Putra Prima. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Wibowo, Caroline (2001) PT. Supermal Karawaci. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Widjaja, Lukman (2001) Sekolah Pelita Harapan dan Perusahaan E-MD. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Wiguna, D. Wilhelmina Monik (2001) PT. Matahari Putra Prima. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Wilis, Wilis (2001) Re-design Taman Safari Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 17:44:02 2025 WIB.