Items where Division is "Management" and Year is 2012
Amelia, Elva (2012) Analisis pengaruh kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan dan kesetiaan pelanggan Ardelia Salon di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Anastassia, Monica (2012) Factors influencig UPH Surabaya students' intention to adopt intenet banking services. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Antadinata, Nehemia Rhemayuwardi (2012) The influence of social media and engagement on brand engagement and word of mouth of Airasia. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Cahyani, Vincensia Devi Dwi (2012) Pengaruh service quality, price, word of mouth dalam membangun willingness to buy dan buying decision pengguna jasa savior events organizer di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Chandra, Indra (2012) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan menjadi nasabah di bank Mandiri Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Christian, Alexander (2012) The effect of brand trust, brand affect, and brand personality toward brand loyalty which impact to brand performance: case on mcdonald’s Basuki Rachmat Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Damsuki, Ayu Abarani (2012) Pengaruh brand knowledge, brand, relationship, behavioral intention, brand advertisement, dan brand experiences pada repurchase intention teh tong tji di mall Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Dewi, Febri Gangga (2012) Pengaruh keadilan distributif dan keadilan prosedural terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan studi kasus pada PT Syam Surya Mandiri di Samarinda. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Gandawidjaja, Isai (2012) Analisis pengaruh citra institusi dan pengalaman konsumen terhadap kesetiaan institusi siswa smak Kolose Santo Yusup Malang. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Gea, Hadirat Syukurman (2012) Analisis pengaruh brand experiences, trust dan satisfaction terhadap brand loyalty amdk aqua di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Goenawan, Sutrisno V. (2012) The influence of country of origin image towards brand personality and intention to purchase Zara products in Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Hadi, Steve (2012) Analyze of factor influence brand loyalty of blackberry in Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Handono, Christoper Andretta (2012) Analisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat beli ulang pada produk McDonald di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Hansen, Evelyn (2012) The effects of iso 9001:2008 quality management system and corporate quality culture towards employee performance at pt. Aneka Gas Industri V, Sidoarjo. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Harjono, Eldwen Budi (2012) Young professionals’ decision-making styles in the choice between celebrity-endorsed and premium-branded fragrances. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Hartono, Oei Lolita (2012) Analisis faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi minat beli value plus hypermart di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Hui, Malvin Ling Yeow (2012) Factors analysis that influence repurchase intention towards customer of canteen 1 in Surabaya (case study on student of petra 1). Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Husada, Marco (2012) Pengaruh kualitas produk terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan pengaruh kepuasan pelanggan, kepercayaan serta reputasi merek terhadap kesetiaan pelanggan Iphone di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Iroth, Ririn Angga Ningrum (2012) Pengaruh struktur modal terhadap nilai perusahaan dengan corporate governance sebagai variabel moderasi. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Jiewanto, Angela (2012) Analysis of antecedents of purchase intention towards a traditional indonesian store: a case study of Barata Pasaraya Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Jing, Kho Siu (2012) Pengaruh kualitas layanan dan kualitas produk terhadap kepuasan pelanggan Imagode Clay di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Kansil, Noulando Marco Roberto (2012) Pengaruh kepercayaan, kualitas layanan, nilai konsumen (nilai fungsional dan nilai emosional) terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada pengguna internet banking BCA di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Laurens, Caroline (2012) The effect of job characteristics, perceived organizational support, employee engagement toward job satisfaction at ef English First Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Laurent, Orincia (2012) Analisis pengaruh lifestyle dan service quality melalui customer satisfaction terhadap repurchase intention Fenny Butik di Sidoarjo. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Lianto, Johan (2012) The influence of customer trust to customer loyalty to repurchase intention of Ultra Milk in Surabaya with perceived csr as moderating variable. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Limbongan, Mey Enggane (2012) Pengaruh brand communication dan service quality dalam membangun brand trust dan brand loyalty pengguna operator selular gsm pt. Telkomsel di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Limbongan, Ofride (2012) Analisis pengaituh consamer knowledge, p ri c e c o n s c i ou,sifl?,s^s, dan p ro d u c t i n vo l ve m e n t terhadap impalse baying melalui mediasi impulse buying tendency pada silverqueen di hypermart City of Tomorrow Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Liviane, Margaretha Shepthi (2012) Analisis pengaruh consumer preference melalui brand value dan pengaruh product innovation melalui brand luxury terhadap willingness to pay a premium produk Louis Vuitton di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Maniagasi, Ester (2012) Hubungan reward management system terhadap motivation dalam meningkatkan organization commitment di karyawan universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Manjani, Vidia Arum (2012) Analisis pengaruh push factors terhadap switching behavior melalui switching intention pada pelanggan operator seluler di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Margono, Joyce (2012) Employees’ perceptions on organizational support and affective commitment toward turnover intention: the case of Toko Emas Harapan. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Melisa, Melisa (2012) Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi purchase intention produk mango di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Mulia, Johanes Abdi (2012) Factors influencing customer buying decision at d’season hotel Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Naufal, Prio (2012) The effect of work environment and job motivation on job satisfaction and job performance in pt. x. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Oenaryo, Anastasia Audrey (2012) The influence of consumers’ buying tendencies and shopping values toward shopping experience satisfaction at Pasar Atom Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Pangestu, Michael Febriant (2012) Analisis pengaruh product image, word of mouth, kualitas produk terhadap keputusan pembelian buah lokal di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Pengestu, Daniel Paulus (2012) Analisis pengaruh social media communication terhadap consumer behaviour melalui consumer mindset Keripik Maicih di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Pian, Hendrik Yulius (2012) The relationship of company descriptives and CSR disclosure of publicly-listed manufacturing companies in Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Saputra, I Gede Wisnu Ari (2012) The effect of consumer ethnocentrism, product attitudes, and purchase intention of batik in Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Sentika, Yulia Asmarani (2012) Analisis pengaruh celebrity endorser's criteria terhadap brand image pada produk clear complete soft care di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Setiawan, Liem Vivi Yuwita (2012) The effect of perceived risk, perceived quality and perceived value toward customer purchase decision at ud hasil in Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Setiawan, Silvani (2012) Analisis pengaruh need for uniqueness, self monitoring, self-expression attitude, self-presentation attitude, dan affective attitude terhadap purchase intention produk Charles & Keith di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Sindarto, Sebastian (2012) Studi analisa faktor-faktoryang mempengaruhi kepuasaan konsumen dalam bertransaksi di forum di Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Soegiharto, Albert (2012) Analisa pengaruh iklan terhadap kesadaran merek dan persepsi kualitas dan pengaruhnya terhadap loyalitas merek (studi pada merek Coca-Cola). Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Soetanto, Anita Carolina (2012) Factors that influence intention and decision to purchase chicken product at a&w restaurant Cito, Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Suhartono, Gunanto (2012) The effect of salesperson attributes and pricing strategies on consumer buying decision in matahari department store City of Tomorrow Surabaya. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Susanto, Hutomo Mandala Putra (2012) The effect of organizational culture in shaping learning organization in company x. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Sutanto, Herman (2012) The influence of dividend premiums on dividend payment decision for listed manufacturing companies in Indonesia stock exchange (2001-2010). Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Tang, Amin Xavier (2012) An analysis on the effects of Hypermart’s loyalty program attributes on store satisfaction and loyalty. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Tanuwijaya, William01120080063 (2012) The influence of price, product, hygiene and service quality towards customer satisfaction of coffee shop 88 Makassar. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.
Wahyudi, Stella (2012) Assessing the influence of consumers’ perceptions on starbucks’ logo change towards consumers’ interest curiosity and brand attitude. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.