Items where Division is "Management" and Year is 2014

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Number of items: 49.


Adrianto, Heidy (2014) The factors influencing the consumption patterns of college students through social media. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Andreas., Andreas. (2014) Strategi pemasaran business to business pada pt cahaya biru sakti abadi terhadap kemajuan penjualannya. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Apriano, Jonathan (2014) Pengaruh perubahan harga minyak mentah dan perubahan indeks harga saham terhadap pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Aryatnie, Jessica (2014) The effects of dining atmospherics on behavioral intentions at hakata ikkousha restaurant. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Boediono, Edwin (2014) Rencana bisnis happy child care. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Carel, Carel (2014) Perencanaan bisnis blue and beach restaurant. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Chandra, William (2014) Rencana bisnis cahaya gemilang furniture. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Dennis, Ignatius (2014) Rencana bisnis salon mobil autodetailers. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Febry, Raharja (2014) Analisis faktor-faktor sebagai sumber ekuitas merek berbasis konsumen pada merek otomotif mobil honda dengan pengujian model menggunakan structural equation model. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Guntur, Stevanus (2014) Perencanaan bisnis denim n reality store di kemang, jakarta selatan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Hartawijaya, William (2014) Rencana bisnis pertanian jamur sejahtera. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Holdi, Harwin Pratama (2014) The role of animosity, religiosity, and ethnocentrism on consumer purchase intention toward global brand. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Ibrahim, Raden Mas Zakaria (2014) Analisis strategi komunikasi pemasaran terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada pt. bpr supradanamas. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Jessica, Lia (2014) The impact of brand personality to three major relational consequences (attachment, trust and commitment). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Jessica., Jessica. (2014) Rencana bisnis swift hotel. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Jin, Choi Woo (2014) Healing hour body shape center. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Kamal, Edwardi (2014) Pengaruh advertisement repetition, celebrity endorsement, dan perceived quality terhadap consumer purchase decision. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Kundalasari, Christian Wicaksono (2014) Rencana bisnis fotografi bayi premium cahaya bumi fotografi. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Kustiyah., Kustiyah. (2014) Analisis strategi komunikasi pemasaran produk pt. hot hed Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Leokwary, Airy Putra (2014) Perencanaan bisnis toko perhiasan emas golden jaya. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Liem, Cecilya (2014) Fluffy and buffy pet shop. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Limin, Sindhu Bharata (2014) The marketing strategy of enagics sales representative in penetrating Indonesian market. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Lusiana., Lusiana. (2014) Rencana bisnis toko kue maison dietary di jakarta. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Maryulis, Gracia Ilona (2014) Rencana bisnis studio kesehatan dna kecantikan jh pilates & beauty studio. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Melvasari, Kiki (2014) Pengaruh experiential marketing terhadap komitmen konsumen dengan variabel intervening kepuasan konsumen pada e-commerce. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Menayang, Giorgio Roa (2014) Pengaruh kepemilikan blockholder terhadap illiquiditas saham : studi pada bursa saham Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Mishella., Mishella. (2014) Rencana bisnis toko mega steel. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Nugroho, Maria Puspitasari (2014) Brand equity and current use as the new horizon of repurchase intention of blackberry smartphone. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Oktavianty, Selvy Anggela (2014) Pengaruh konsumsi status, keterlibatan, inovasi, dan loyalitas merek terhadap sensitivitas harga. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Pontoh, Giovanie (2014) Pengaruh kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dalam usaha dagang pet shop madagascar. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Prawira, Hendrik (2014) Rencana bisnis restoran miramar (khas Indonesia) cabang lippo karawaci. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Putri, Maria Angeline Hanita (2014) The corporate social responsibility advertising influence on corporate reputation and brand equity of the body shop in Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Rick, Khor Ea (2014) The impact of ethical sales Behaviour on customer loyalty in pt prudential assurance. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Setiawan., Sandy (2014) Rencana bisnis multi auto service. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Setyoso, Ronald Adiputra (2014) Creating dynamic capabilities in pt.neo millenia era agung sakti (gadjah mada shuttlecock). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Soegiarto, Renata (2014) Rencana bisnis abella patisserie. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Steviene, Fery (2014) Rencana bisnis distributor lampu led otomotif prolight di mgk mega kemayoran. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Suwarni, Vika Citra (2014) Effects of other consumers age and restaurant settings on young consumers attitude towards service, attitude towards other consumers, patronage intention, and perceived service quality. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Taha, Rayhan Mahdi (2014) Effect of commitment and trust towards micro-blogs on consumer behavioral intention : the case of java musikindo twitter account. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Tanuwijaya, Chandra Teguh (2014) Pengaruh faktor-faktor anteseden terhadap loyalitas pelanggan : studi empiris pada o! lounge mall of Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Tirtasaputera, Henry (2014) Analysis of customer relationship management between pr consultant and their blue chip clients : analysis of power pr corporation. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Vanesia., Vanesia. (2014) Pengaruh faktor sense of community terhadap active engagement dengan variabel interviewing brand identification, brand loyalty dan brand love pada smartphone samsung. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Vincent, Juan (2014) Rencana bisnis bengkel juan diesel. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Widya, Bekha (2014) Pengaruh kompensasi finansial dan kompensasi non finansial terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan universitas pelita harapan dengan motivasi sebagai variabel intervening. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Willy., Willy. (2014) Rencana bisnis penyewaan alat berat pt annisa inti sejahtera. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Willyam., Willyam. (2014) Rencana bisnis penyewaan alat berat pt jalan rezeki. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Wongso, Vania Theresia (2014) Business plan bisnis pakaian back to label. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

Wongsodjaja, Edward (2014) Pengaruh tata kelola perusahaan terhadap pergerakan harga saham perusahaan pada saat pemilu presiden. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

You-Kyung., Kim (2014) The effect of foreign ownership on firm value : evidence from south korea. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

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